Friday, October 17, 2008

Something not very many people know about me

Something not very many people know about me is that i am a very soft person. Now when i say im a soft person i many my feelings get hurt easy. People don't really think that im this way because I don't show it when im hurt. I wait until i'm alone to let my feelings out. Now i'm not one to cry so i just write down how i feel at that moment. Then I ripe the paper up so no one can see. Thats how I keep this to myself.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

~*Things that bug me*~

There are a lot of things that bug me. Everyday when I go home there he is my brother. Just seeing his face bugs me. Some people may say thats mean, well if they knew my brother they would say the same. He likes to play fight too much. He doesn't care if your sick, tired or really have to go. He will mess with you until he walks out the door. And when he plays it does not feel like he is playing his hits hurt bad. When you do play back one hit from him and you would not even want to play anymore.